How I started my first blog

Renting ‘Sight Unseen’? A Broker and FaceTime Helped Me Find a Place to Live

Every now and then I get a call asking for advice on how to make money from home or how to find a place to live. In recent news, Facebook announced it would be opening its own housing unit that would provide up to 3,000 apartments across the country. It is called “The Home” and I was hoping to get my thoughts together on how this could be used to my benefit.

As you know, I am not a professional in the space. Instead, I am a student at the University here in New York City and just this last semester I was offered a full-time position as a sales representative in an online marketing company. I am not a computer expert and I am not computer savvy. Instead I am an extrovert, a person interested in learning and understanding my new career. I also have a deep, burning passion for writing and sharing my thoughts.

I have a passion for life and for writing. It was just this way that got me to the point where I started the blog. I didn’t even know that I needed money to live but something told me I needed a new job.

I’ve been on so many online jobs that I knew that this was going to be fun. I know I’ve shared this on Facebook so maybe this isn’t the best format for this blog, but to make sure, I’ve also shared the first post of my new blog, a blog that I am hoping will not only help me get my thoughts together but actually make me money.

Now what do I mean by doing this? Well, I used to live in a one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, but then I took my car for an emergency service and rented a car, which is what I did for the first few months of my life. When I was 12, I moved from New Jersey to California for the first time. I am not sure how that came to be, but to me moving from one home to another seems like something you can only do if you have

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